
Updating firmware on embedded devices is hard, if you are not running on some kind of operating system which can manage different applications:

You have to receive the update via some communication path, ideally verifying its integrity and authenticity, store it somewhere and then give control to some instance to replace the currently running application with the newly received version. And if something goes wrong there, you want to prevent your device from bricking by having an ability to revert to the previous firmware!

The common solution for these situations, where you have some firmware running bare-metal on the embedded system, is to include a bootloader which takes care of updating.

Upgrades on Embedded Devices

To allow upgrading of the way updates are downloaded (especially if doing Over-the-Air updates!), the download algorithm should be implemented in the application, not in the bootloader. This bootloader usually only serves the task of exchanging one firmware version A, stored in memory, with some other firmware B, stored somewhere else in memory:

Memory of a device split into three sections: Bootloader, Firmware A and Firmware B

Memory split into different banks

Bootloader tasks

With that structure, there are two options of choosing which firmware to execute:

Because Position-Independent Code is uncommon in embedded firmware and providing different versions of the same firmware with different origin addresses is unhandy, the second option is more practical.

To achieve such a system, your firmware project needs the following:


To make things easier, I wrote a Rust library called moonboot, a framework to build a bank-exchanging bootloader.

The library abstracts away all the devices hardware and implements the exchange-algorithm for the bootloader. Additionally, a way to communicate between the application and bootloader is provided by use of a shared RAM section (although the abstractions also allow this to be replaced).

As the memory-bank configuration is used in the bootloaders and applications code, and also required for linker scripts, functions to generate said linker scripts are included. These functions also generate the reserved sections for the RAM-communication-channel.

This allows the project to have a memory configuration written in Rust-Code, based on which all other code is configured/ generated. Let’s dive in!


Your project should follow a specific structure to allow for different bootloader and application binaries, and also share the same configuration.

 │  └─...
 │  └─...
 │  └─...

application contains your usual firmware binary implementation.

bootloader is the binary project for the bootloader which is implemented using moonboot.

board is a board-supported-crate for your specific hardware. Abstracting the hardware drivers away is generally a good idea, and comes in handy for this structure, as the hardware-drivers will be used by both the application and the bootloader.

common contains the memory-bank configuration in code. This will be used by the application and bootloader, both during build (if linker scripts are generated in the, and during runtime.


To configure a moonboot bootloader, you need a memory bank configuration and a hardware abstraction.


common/src/ contains only some pub const structs.

use moonboots::{
    hardware::{Bank, Config, LinkerConfig, MemoryUnit},
pub const FLASH_START: Address = 0x8000000;
pub const FLASH_SIZE: Address = 256 * 1024;
const RAM_START: Address = 0x20000000;
const RAM_SIZE: Address = 160 * 1024;

const BOOTLOADER_SIZE: Address = 32 * 1024;

pub const CONFIG: Config = Config {
    bootloader_bank: Bank {
        location: 0,
        size: BOOTLOADER_SIZE,
        memory_unit: MemoryUnit::Internal,
    boot_bank: Bank {
        location: BOOTLOADER_SIZE,
        size: BANK_SIZE,
        memory_unit: MemoryUnit::Internal,
    update_bank: Bank {
        location: BOOTLOADER_SIZE + BANK_SIZE,
        size: BANK_SIZE,
        memory_unit: MemoryUnit::Internal,
    ram_bank: Bank {
        location: 0,
        size: RAM_SIZE,
        memory_unit: MemoryUnit::Internal,

pub const LINKER_CONFIG: LinkerConfig = LinkerConfig {
    flash_origin: FLASH_START,
    ram_origin: RAM_START,
    has_ram_state: true,

There is a Config struct to configure the memory banks, and also a LinkerConfig. Note that the origin addresses/locations in the Config struct are zero-indexed. The actual start address of the memory region is given in the LinkerConfig, in this case for a STM32L4 micocontroller.

The config specifies four banks:

  1. bootloader_bank is the bank the bootloader will be stored in. This has to be in the memory location the device starts execution from!
  2. boot_bank is the bank containing the application to be executed in a normal scenario.
  3. update_bank will contain any updates the bootloader is supposed to apply.
  4. ram_bank specifies the RAM section the firmware of the device will use. Usually this is all the RAM. Using this information, the communication channel between bootloader and application can be configured.

Having this configuration in a central code location has several advantages:

Linker Scripts

Using this configuration, the linker scripts (memory.x) can easily be generated for both the application and the bootloader using the moonboot_codegen crate:


use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    // Put `memory.x` in our output directory and ensure it's
    // on the linker search path.
    let out = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out.display());


use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;

fn main() {
    // Put `memory.x` in our output directory and ensure it's
    // on the linker search path.
    let out = &PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}", out.display());

The two files call the respective generate_bootloader_script or generate_application_script methods from the crate and write that script into a location where the linker can find it. If you want to take a look at the resulting script, you can find it in the OUT_DIR directory in the target dir.

Bootloader Binary

As all of the logic for the bootloader is implemnted in the moonboot library, the bootloaders main function consists of very little code lines:


let board = board::Board::take();

let internal_memory = board.flash;
let state = moonboot::state::ram::RamState;
let processor = moonboot::hardware::processor::cortex_m::CortexM::new();

let mut boot = moonboot::MoonbootBoot::<_, _, _, { common::INTERNAL_PAGE_SIZE }>::new(



The Exchange logic is abstracted away into the MoonbootBoot struct. To initialize the bootloader, we need four parameters: The memory-bank config, read/write access to internal memory, an implementation of moonboot::state::State providing the communication channel between application and bootloader, and an implementation of moonboot::hardware::processor::Processor which provides a method to jump to an application at a specific memory address.

In this case, the code expects some board::Board struct which contains all board specific hardware. From that, moonboot takes a board.flash element, which is an abstraction over the internal flash, implementing the embedded_storage::Storage trait to provide read and write access over the whole internal memory range. This provides the internal_memory component.

The communication channel in this case is using the aforementioned RAM-based implementation, which is provided with moonboot.

As this example is using a cortex-m based MCU, the included CortexM implementation of Processor is used (requires the cortex-m feature for moonboot).

Additionally a PAGE_SIZE const generic parameter is required for efficient operation of the exchange operation.

After the MoonshineBoot is initialzed, you just need to call boot() and the rest is happening automatically.

Application Binary

To access the update_bank and shared communication channel to the bootloader, and jump to the bootloader when an update was downloaded, moonboot provides the MoonbootManager struct:


let board = board::Board::take();

let internal_memory = board.flash;
let state = moonboot::state::ram::RamState;
let processor = moonboot::hardware::processor::cortex_m::CortexM::new();

let mut manager =
   moonboot::MoonbootManager::<_, _, _, { common::INTERNAL_PAGE_SIZE }>::new(

The initialization is the same as for the MoonbootBoot struct. This struct provides two interesting methods: First of all, after a successful boot, you must mark it as successful. Otherwise, upon the next boot, the bootloader will restore the previous firmware version. This is to prevent bricking the device through faulty updates:


Downloading updates is easy as well. The MoonbootManager implements the embedded_storage::Storage trait. Writing to that storage writes/reads directly to/from the update_bank. If you need the update_bank as a slice, for example to verify a signature, you may use as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] function implemented by the Manager.

To finally apply an update, just call:


The Manager will automatically set the right signals via the state implementation and jump to the bootloader. The bootloader reads those signals and starts the exchange operation. Afterwards the bootloader stores that an updates has just been applied. If the application does not boot successfully and/or does not call mark_boot_as_successful(), said signal is not removed. Thus the bootloader knows whether to restore the old firmware version if it get’s started the next time (i.e. through a reset after a HardFault).

Custom Processor

Currently only an implementation for CortexM CPUs with a VTOR register is included. For other processors, for example RISC-V, a different implementation will be needed. To do so, implement the moonboot::hardware::processor::Processor trait which defines the logic to jump to a specific address. The setup fn is called once at initialization, for example to set up an MPU. The do_jump fn will be called to jump to either the bootloader or the application location:

impl Processor for CortexM {
    fn do_jump(&mut self, address: super::Address) -> ! {
        unsafe {
            // Set Vector Table to new vector table (unsafe but okay here)

            cortex_m::asm::bootload(address as *const u32);

    fn setup(&mut self, config: &crate::hardware::Config) {
        // Nothing to do!

Custom Communication

To implement a custom communication channel, implement the moonboot::state::State trait:

pub trait State {
    /// Read the shared state
    fn read(&mut self) -> MoonbootState;
    /// Write the new state to the shared state
    fn write(&mut self, data: MoonbootState) -> Result<(), ()>;

MoonbootState can be serialized to binary for example by using serde (if the according feature is enabled), or utilizing the Desse functions if the ram-state feature is enabled.

Finish Line

You’re done! You now have a bootloader based on moonboot which allows you to write a firmware update to internal memory, and apply it on demand. Some recommendations from here:

If something is not working right or you need more documentation, please file an issue.